Blog One – Keep Climbing!
Hi. I’m Mikey and I don’t like having haemophilia. Sometimes I can’t do things that I want to do. Like parkour would be amazing! But there are many activities I can join in with like football and cycling but I need to be cautious just in case I get a nasty bump. I wasn’t frightened to do things when I was younger until I properly understood what haemophilia was and then I got worried listening to the doctors. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking the same thing? I don’t want all the children with this disorder to sit at home doing nothing but gaming! So I’m doing a project at school about Inspiration and some blogs to inspire young kids to get out there and join in with things the best they can. Inspiration is important to me so I challenge myself and to be brave to join in.
But what is inspiration and how does it help us? My main inspiration comes from other people and I want to analyse what it is that makes me braver in my life by watching them. I’m going to contact three celebrities who inspire me.
- I think we know who the first one is going to be as he’s the founder of Little Bleeders, Alex Dowsett!! Even though he’s got severe haemophilia A he’s had an amazing career as a world class professional cyclist.
- Andy Murray – I’ve chosen him because he never backs down and never gives up and we both have a hip problem in common.
- So I’ve looked at someone with haemophilia, someone with a hip problem like me and now my very favourite is David Attenborough because when I get frustrated he makes me calm and gives me new knowledge to think about which keeps my mental wellbeing calm and keeps me more positive about my haemophilia.
All us Little Bleeders get frustrated and inspiration has helped me continue my life better. Alex had a great idea making this website and charity because he wants to help Little Bleeders to get active and be happy doing things they want to do.
Next time ……. An interview with the man himself – Alex!
Keep active and stay positive. From Mikey.